
Showing posts from September, 2013


Today has been really been the first time I’ve been frustrated with my decision to jump from Mac to Windows, and I’m not sure where to point the blame for it. The biggest issue I have both with Windows 8 and Android is the lack of quality apps. I know the Android lovers and Windows fans will decry me being a blind Apple Fanboy, and anybody who is that close-minded is just a waste of my time. They can live in their happy little bubble the way I used to live in my happy little Apple bubble. The fact that Apple OS X and iOS have a better selection of Apps available isn’t Apple’s fault, per se. I’m not saying that the Apple Branded Apps are better than the Windows branded apps of the same vein, I’m talking strictly 3rd party developers. I would imagine that with Android having more market share than Apple at this point there would be a better selection of Apps available for the platform and more high quality apps. The issue here is 3rd party developers. I’m not a part of any developer p...

iOS 7 isn’t Dumb (but it still is)

And the iPhone 5c is REALLY Dumb This post is in no way meant to negate my previous post titled iOS 7 is Dumb. This is merely meant point out the parts of iOS 7 that really aren’t dumb at all, and are actually brilliant. The iPhone 5c feels like Apple is trying to jump back in time. First, iOS 7 Anybody who knows anything about computer programming or engineering understands that iOS 7 isn’t dumb in the least. The underpinnings of the OS are quite sound and incredibly stable, more-so than Android and Windows Phone. What is dumb about iOS 7 is the feel and look of the interface, but that’s not to say that there isn’t brilliance there. While Notification Center has gotten better, it’s still more annoying than it is useful. On the other hand, the swipe up from the bottom to get to some quick-action controls that are frequently used is brilliant. So is the addition of a flashlight button available from the lock screen that also stays on when you lock the device, unlike the 3rd part...

iOS 7 is Dumb

When I first held the iPhone in my hand back in 2007 it never felt cheap to me. It was solid, it was aluminum and, despite people’s grouch regarding a lack of customizability, it felt like a professional, slick device. I was proud to own one and I felt like, to use a Maine saying with a wee bit of profanity, King Shit of Turd Island. I never fully understood the switch from the aluminum back to plastic with the 3G and 3GS, but they were still solid phones. I had two at the time – for work and home – and the one I used for work took a beating. I dropped it on cement, I kicked I across marble floors, I dropped it down some stairs. It never broke, though I’m certain that it should have about twenty or so times. I was impressed. Then there was the app store. Prior to that, I admit, I had done the whole jailbreak thing on my phone until the app store appeared. At that point, I didn’t really feel a need to jailbreak. I could get anything I wanted and I felt that the people who designed the...

A Week Without Touch

One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard about Windows 8 is the fact that it’s useless without having touch. I accepted the challenge and spent a week using just the mouse and physical keyboard interface on my Yoga 11s. This won’t be as long as many of my other posts have been because there’s not much to say. Touch is nice, but it is not necessary to make Windows 8 as functional, if not more so, than Windows 7. The gestures take some getting used to, but after just a couple of days they’re second nature and highly useful. There are also a huge number of keyboard shortcuts that create a fast, easy experience to work within Windows 8. Over all, I will say that touch is absolutely not necessary to work with Win 8 and that the computing experience can be just as productive and fun as Win 7, if not more so. The more I use Windows 8, the more convinced I am that people hate change, not the OS. Again, Windows 8 is perfectly usable without a touch interface. But maybe that’s just me. ...

Apple Keynote

I would be remiss if I didn’t address the Apple Keynote for the new iPhones that was held last week. While I should have posted sooner, I needed time to digest it all and form an opinion I was more or less certain of. When Steve Jobs passed away there was a camp of people who were worried that Apple would lose its direction in the absence of the man behind Apple. I had hope that things wouldn’t change much in his absence. I had hoped that he had created a company that was self sustaining with creativity and innovation and would just keep going. As it turns out, I fear that that group of people may have been correct. I’m not seeing anything exciting from Apple. There have been no game changers since Steve Jobs passed away, merely incremental updates to existing hardware. Perhaps the ONLY exception to that is the Mac Pro, but it holds the moniker of its predecessor, even if it doesn’t hold the same form factor. The hardware in the new Mac Pro is very innovative, but it’s being used to...

Tech Support

So I called Lenovo tech support last night because the volume rocker on the left side of the device stopped working. It would only send the volume down, not up. This was only a mild annoyance because there are three ways to control the volume on the Yoga 11s and that was only one of them. On the keyboard you have function keys that can be used to control the volume and in tablet mode you have the setting area when you bring up the charms bar on the left. Having an additional volume control seemed a little overkill to me, but I didn’t design it. The first thing that happened upon this discovery was that I wasn’t overly upset by it. I had two other, perfectly functional methods for changing the volume – I didn’t need a third. If it had been an Apple device, I would have marched my ass down to the Apple Store and raised a stink. Which I did with my 15” MacBook Pro with Retina on multiple occasions – in fact, they replaced it five times over the course of a year. Maybe now you understand...

Window Live

Windows Live was an answer to Apple’s iLife suite in just about every possible way. It offered a number of tools that were quite similar to the offerings that Apple had. A quick breakdown would look something like this: iPhoto – Photo Gallery iMovie – Microsoft Movie Maker iMessage – Messenger iCloud – SkyDrive Garage Band – Nothing Now iLife is one of the tool sets where Apple wins hands down with the features that each of their tools holds and the integration between all of them. Within iPhoto you have the ability to share out to Facebook and other social media outlets with little effort on the part of the user. The Windows 8 Gallery has the option to share, however that option is removed in Windows 8.1 (when last I used it). I think this was a mistake. Regardless of the ability to tweak your photos, people want easy ways to share their photos without having to jump from app to app. Speaking of jumping from App to App, iLife is so strongly integrated with everything that it’s...

Anti Virus and Such

I think this is the longest I've gone since I started the blog without posting something. In the time since my last post I have spent a good deal of time on the phone with a friend walking them manually removing certain pieces of Malware. I didn't even have a shared screen in front of me, so that was pretty cool. I also helped my Mother-In-Law work with a photo just enough to reduce its size using MS Paint of all things. This has convinced me of two things: First, that I'm kind of a genius to even think of seeing Paint could resize a photo (who uses Paint anymore at all?) and second, Microsoft needs to do something about the malware issue. Okay, honestly the best piece of free Virus Protection Software I've found has been Microsoft's own Windows Defender. It's light weight, small and doesn't eat through your process cycles when it's running. More importantly, it's effective. And lastly, it doesn't try to sell you upgrades to some better, ne...

iTunes (and some ranting about Big Music and Networks)

If there's one thing that Apple nailed right on the first go round, it was iTunes. I'm an iTunes junky and will always be an iTunes Junky regardless of what OS I end up using as my primary. Most of the complaints I've heard about iTunes are invalid complaints because they revolve around either A) They have to pay for the music/TV Show or B) They don't have a particular artists/television show/movie they feel should be available and C) There's DRM on them and I can only watch them through iTunes. For all of these issues, I will point past Apple to the content providers who are stuck in a model that's now severely outdated and which they cannot seem to divorce themselves from. "Sure, you can have our show, but you can't let the customer burn it to a disk or share it out to anybody who's not them." It's been found that, in general, the people who pirate music are also the ones who spend the most money on it. Why is this? That's sim...

iCloud vs. Microsoft and Others

I don't remember what cloud service I started using first. It was either DropBox or SugarSync and they are still the primary file sync services I use. To be honest, I think Apple not only missed the boat, but missed the bus that took them to the boat when it comes to cloud services.  I can only speak of what's currently available as I don't yet know what Mavericks will look like when it's released, presumably, on September 10th alongside iOS 7. In my previous entry, I noted that I had to step backwards out of Windows 8.1 due to some rather annoying issues revolving around the keyboard and mouse on my Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11s - namely that when it was flipped around into Kiosk Mode, the keyboard wouldn't turn off. I didn't blame anybody in that post, if you'd like to go read it, I just jumped back to Windows 8 and have been happy (though anxiously awaiting Windows 8.1). When I logged into the freshly imaged Yoga with my Microsoft Account, all my settings...


Last night I downgraded from 8.1 to 8. Not because I didn't like 8.1, but because 8.1 is pre release software and hasn't worked out all the bugs, I found a fairly significant bug that affected my experience with this particular laptop - namely that it stopped shutting of the keyboard and mouse when I would flip it around. This was, as you might expect, the opposite of useful. Now, had I still been lost in my blind following of Apple and heard of this happening, I might have blamed Windows or said it was shoddy of the manufacturer to not release drivers. There are two reasons I don't say that and don't blame anybody in this case. The first is that I've been beta testing for Apple for a number of years and I've found in multiple instances even the great Glowing White Fruit has some impressively horrible issues during their beta phase. The second is that I've come to understand little more of how software works. It's possible that Lenovo has a driver th...