To Christopher Curley
Dear Christopher, I have spent years jumping back and forth from Apple to Windows and back again. Same with iOS to Android and back. Here's the thing that's important, however. The part where I continue to come back. The user experience really is that much better. Sure, there isn't the same kind of customization available on macOS or iOS, but at the same time, they are far more user friendly in general. I could point out about a dozen things I feel Android does better than Apple, but then there's also the privacy concerns of using any Google service right now. I think there's an article floating around out there about privacy, and the title is something like: "You pay Google with data, and Apple with Cash." Microsoft has made a major comeback in recent years, and that's good. Albeit, the OS is still clunky as hell on anything not built by Microsoft, the idea behind it is solid. If you're going to buy anything Microsoft, buy hardware that was ...