Swimming with Windows
I'm delving back into the world of Windows after a hiatus. This blog was started almost 9 years ago now with the intention of experiencing Windows instead of Mac for at least 1 year. It didn't pan out that way, and while I've jumped back and forth a few times between the two, I've always ended up back on a Mac. This time, I'm trying something a little different. I'm keeping my MacBook Pro and getting a high end Windows machine to do work on. The Mac will primarily focus on my personal stuff like novel writing and photography while the Windows Machine will be for my professional side of things, including my ad writing and tech roles that I do from home as well as beginning to stream on Twitch. I want to see what happens to my preferences as I'm more able to bounce back and forth between the two. Will I still gravitate toward the Mac for all my stuff, or will I move more to Windows for everything? One of the things I have always been impressed with from an App...