Decisions Decisions

I'm trying to make the decision as to whether or not I want to keep this blog up and running. It's recently become more and more difficult to keep up with it, and the things I have to say are the things I've always had to say.

That's not to say that things won't change, but no matter what, Apple still has the better OS on computers, Android has the better OS on Phones (though iOS still beats Android on tablets, but that has more to do with developers than the big companies who make the products developers code for. Microsoft is making some pretty big leaps and bounds in the strive to be relevant again. I think the biggest push for Microsoft is the ability to recompile code built for alternate platforms into software that works with Microsoft systems.

It's going to be a very exciting decade that's coming up and it will be interesting to see where the chips fall, but for me, I'm just going to use the devices I have and stop trying to spout my opinions out into the ether.

I'll keep this up for a while longer, but I will be pulling the whole blog down in the next month or two.


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