Back on the iPhone

So as many of my friends predicted, I'm back on the iPhone.


So let me elaborate - the first Moto X I wrote about I had to send back because I had purchased it with a two year contract on my AT&T Plan.

Well, apparently if you contract yourself to AT&T now, you lose all your super-cool discounts.

I had to the send it back and get my iPhone 5 reactivated. By this point I'd been hearing rumors about the new Moto X, so I decided to wait and see.

When it came out, I went ahead and ordered it.

I have no unkind words to say about it and Android has come a LONG WAY from it's crappy beginnings. I rather enjoyed using it.

I ended up sending that one back, not because it wasn't a great phone, not because it didn't meet every one of my needs (almost), but because my entire family is on iPhones and uses iCloud and iMessages and Photo sharing through Photostream and I have a two year old that everybody wants to see pictures of all the time.

Sounds like a silly reason, but I didn't want to make grandparents have to learn a new piece of technology (Google services) to be able to access pictures of their granddaughter.

So I got an iPhone 6+. It's a great phone.

Except when it isn't, which I will explain in my next post.


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